How we keep you informed
In addition to posting the latest news on this site, council notices are posted in the Community Council noticeboard opposite the shop on Marshfield Road in Marshfield, and also on the noticeboard outside Castleton Village Hall. We also put regular updates on our Facebook page ‘Marshfield Community Council’ and in the Marshfield Mail.
Be a part of your community
If you would like to become more involved in your community, please do contact us. We can put you in touch with the team who organise village events like the summer fete, firework display and pantomime, local residents who would like to organise litter picks or the team of volunteers who manage Marshfield Village Hall. Any contribution, large or small, would be much appreciated and you could enjoy feeling part of your community and making a few friends along the way.
Speeding on the A48 and Marshfield Road and Parking around Marshfield Primary School
We are liaising with the Police, Marshfield Primary and our City Councillors to look at the parking problems around Marshfield Primary School. Liaison with the Gwent Police over speeding concerns on Marshfield Road and the A48 have resulted in a number of police speeding observations and fixed penalty tickets being issued. We have commenced a Community Speed Watch initiative too supported by Gwent Police. Any observations made need to be referred to Gwent Police using 101 to ensure that even near misses are recorded.
Marshfield Community Litter Picks
Over the years many have joined Magpies in a Marshfield Community Litter Pick. Keep an eye on MCC facebook and the Village Hall sites to find out about upcoming events.
On one occasion, together they managed to collect around 13 sacks of rubbish in just over an hour from around the village, including from Ty Mawr Lane, Pentwyn Terrace, St Mellons Road, Wellfield Road and the bottom of Marshfield Road, so its essential you help us to keep the village looking clean.
Extra bins are being provided around the playing fields to help with the disposal of litter when people are walking or playing on the fields.
Our thanks go to Steve Chamberlain from Keep Wales Tidy who supplied all the litter collecting kit and to Marshfield’s Caroline Quilter who organise these events.
Community Donations and Support –
Please see the MCC Minutes to be aware of the regular financial support we give to the local school and clubs, Magpies as well as the Village Hall for Summer Fete and Fireworks
Beware of scam telephone calls
Beware if you receive a telephone call from Windows or any other computer software provider advising you that you have a virus on your computer and offering to sort it out with you over the phone. They may ask you to log on and read them out details from your computer. These calls are scams and they are trying to access your computer for fraudulent means. The latest scam is that BT Technical Services saying you have a problem, even making threats of being cut off. BT have assured us that you would not be contacted by them direct and if in doubt hang up and dial BT direct using the phone number on your telephone bill.
Dog Fouling
We are aware of the situation regarding the dog fouling on Marshfield Road, it is a major point of concern to all of us who regularly use that route to school. If you witness anyone not picking up after their dog, please ring the dog wardens at Newport City Council via the contact centre on 01633 656656. We will continue to highlight the issue until it is resolved.
Police PACT Meetings
We have asked Gwent Police to detail upcoming PACT (Police And Communities Together) meetings in their monthly Police Neighbourhood News page. The aim of PACT meetings is to give all villagers the opportunity to meet members of the local policing team and to have a say in how our local area is policed.
Newport Contact Centre
Please ring the contact centre on 01633 656656 if you see anything that needs attention. They will deal with all repairs that fall under the Newport City Council remit, including pot holes etc.
St Mellons Road (Wood Ditch Reen) Bridge
Following concerns received from local residents about the visibility and safety of the stone road bridge on St Mellons Road and the speed of traffic over this bridge, we have been liaising with Newport City Council on the issues. Newport Council have now confirmed the findings of their site appraisal and have advised as follows:
“The existing signage, provides clear information to drivers in respect of the hazard ahead and indicates that the narrow section can only accommodate single file traffic. Carriageway edge lining is also present which serves to draw drivers attention to the reduced width of the carriageway, and there are ‘slow’ markings on each approach to the bridge.
At the time of the most recent site visit, there was little sign of damage to highway structures, debris from cars or skid marks on the road to indicate drivers stopping abruptly alluding to the presence of an consistent problem. Given the measures that are already present, any additional traffic signing or road markings are therefore likely to prove merely cosmetic and achieve little in terms of effecting any noticeable improvement. A majority of drivers will be local to the area and aware of this particular hazard, and having been provided with the necessary information by traffic signing, it is then their responsibility to assimilate it and proceed accordingly.
There have been two recorded injury collisions at this location in five years. Both collisions resulted in injuries to vehicle occupants that were classified as slight. Therefore in view of the above, it is not possible to justify the costs of additional measures at this point in time, irrespective of the current lack of a traffic management budget. To reiterate previous comments, physical traffic calming features could not be provided without the installation of a system of street lighting to conform with centrally imposed regulations, and the associated costs would be considerable at a site that would not rank as being a priority.
I do hope this explains the situation and demonstrates that the matter has been afforded due consideration.”
If you want to raise anything further on this, please contact Andrew Morris, Head of StreetScene at or call 01633 656 656.
Police Matters
The Mobile Police Station will be outside Marshfield Post Office every Sunday from 1 – 3pm and at Asda Duffryn every Wednesday from 2 – 4pm.