We’ve bought half a ton of native daffodils and bluebells to plant through the verges and open spaces of Marshfield and Castleton. and we need your help planting them to brighten up our villages. Please spare an hour or two on Sunday Sept 22nd from 10.30am – meeting at Marshfield […]
A planning application has been submitted for the construction of a care home on the old Wyevale garden site. If you wish to view the plans or make any comment on the application, please visit http://planning.newport.gov.uk/swift/apas/run/wphappcriteria.display and search on planning reference number 13/0705.
There are two vacancies for a Community Councillor on Marshfield Community Council and we are looking for individuals who would like to help make a difference. You don’t need any specific skills or experience – just a few hours spare time a week and a willingness to bring your community […]
If you aren’t already a member of the neighbourhood watch email alert scheme – Owl, a good reason to join is that our local Police have sent out a survey to everyone on Owl asking them to vote on the local policing priorities, including parking at Marshfield Primary, speeding on […]
We have been advised that the Police and Community PACT meeting for the 29th JULY 2013 at Marshfield Village Hall has been cancelled. A survey has been sent via OWL to local residents and Farms in the Marshfield Ward to ask local people what they think are the areas/issues of […]
Thank you to everyone who entered our Best Kept Garden Competition. The winners were announced at the village fete and our congratulations go to: Dot Honey of Mallards Reach – 1st Prize Mark Williams of Marshfield Road – 2nd Prize David and Susan Collingbourne of The Vicarage – 3rd Prize […]
The playground on the Cambrian development will be closed for about 2 weeks whilst repairs and upgrading are being carried out by Newport Council. We’re delighted that £25,000 of S106 money from local development in Marshfield is being spent on improving play facilities in our area.
Come and support your village fete and have a fun family day out on Sat 29th June. The fete starts at 1pm at Marshfield Village Hall, Wellfield Road and includes entertainment, fun dog show, childrens races and tug o’war, dance display, model aeroplane flight display, raffle, stalls and games, climbing […]
Newport Council have revised the Local Development Plan for 2011 – 2026 and are inviting comments/feedback up until 5pm on 26th July 2013. You can view the LDP, proposals map and supporting information and feedback through visiting www.newport.gov.uk/planningpolicy
Investigative work is due to start later this month on Marshfield Road and St Mellons Road, to deal with the flooding problems experienced when it rains heavily. The work will consist of a series of CCTV surveys and investigations. We’ll keep you updated when we are informed by Newport Council […]
Please note that due to the escalating problem with dog fouling and litter in Marshfield and Castleton, Newport Council enforcement officers will be visiting our area this week and they will be issuing fixed penalties to anyone found to littering or allowing their dog to foul the streets. We are […]
This a cry for help at the village fete on Saturday 29th June. This will be the fourth year now since the fete has been re-instated and the last three have been really well attended and have been great fun. The events team, which consists of 8 local ladies, organising […]